Considering a Pondless Waterfall vs Pond?

By researching a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions on the topic of "pond-less waterfalls," it can help you learn the different tips and tricks in various areas of plantings, tools, maintenance, installation of disappearing waterfall designs and more. Use our Frequently Asked Question pages in order to get a well rounded understanding of the topics of Pond Construction, pond design, water gardens, disappearing waterfall systems and more.

How long does it usually take to install a disappearing waterfall system?

Depending on the scope of the project and the design, installation may be done in as few as one day or could take one or two weeks! A majority of residential pondless waterfall designs can be installed with no or little damage to your current mature landscapes in only one to two days. Whenever you hire a professional contractor that specializes in Waterscape Construction and Design, you can rely on a team of very talented people to get in and out of your property to deliver waterscapes that well exceeds all of your expectations. To get a quote on a pondless waterfall click here and contact us.

Waterfalls can range from small store-bought installations to commercial

What is the difference in price for waterfall construction versus regular pond construction?

There are many individuals who mistake these kinds of waterfalls construction as costing less than a pond does. However, that is not true. Believe it or not, when done properly, this type of feature costs about as much as a pond of a similar size. However, overall the waterfalls do cost less than a pond. You don't have to buy fish for a disappearing water feature, or filter pads, or chlorine neutralizers, or fish food. The chances of you having to pay a costly yearly cleaning (depending on what the Fish Loads are) on disappearing water falls are very low to none. Since you are going to have a waterfall that does not have a pond you will not feel compelled to buy expensive and rare water lilies! So it is true that the perception of the water features being less expensive compared to a pond, it isn't true when it comes to construction costs.

Does a disappearing waterfall have to run 24 hours per day?

No, it does not. One of the more compelling reasons for why a disappearing waterfall has grown in popularity in the current landscape is because the waterfall can be turned off whenever you want to. It is mandatory with an ecosystem pond that your waterfall filtration be run 24 hours per day to maintain life within your ecosystem. With this style of water feature the system can be shut on and off whenever you want. If you are running the pump on a disappearing waterfalls just 12 hours per day, it is going to cost you half in electricity costs compared to a similar size of pond. It's no problem if you are going to leave town for a few days. All you need to do it turn off your disappearing waterscapes and then when you back home turn it on again. This is just one more reason why disappearing waterfalls have become so popular is such a short amount of time.

Can my pond-less waterfall be put on a remote control or a timer?

Absolutely! Disappearing water features may be put on a timer that will turn your water-feature off and on just like your nightscape or pool lighting. Many people run their landscape water feature early in the morning while they are making their preparations for their day depending on where the waterfall is located. For example, if you have your disappearing feature as your kitchen's focal point, it is very nice to be greeted by the look and sound of your waterfall while you are making your coffee and breakfast and lunch for that day, and reading your newspaper. If you wake up in the morning at 6 and leave at 8 for work, your waterfall could set to activate right before 6 am and then turn it off right after 8 am, and then right before you arrive home turn it back on while saving on your electricity costs all day.

You also can have a remote control to use with a disappearing waterscape that can be used inside of your home to turn your waterfall off and on! The bonus on that feature, compared to a timer, is that on Saturday morning when you would usually have a big breakfast, you won't have to worry about your waterfall turning off suddenly right after 8 am. A majority of times will not know you are planning on being in your kitchen longer on Saturday mornings.

What type of maintenance does this type of water feature need?

Actually the disappearing waterfall is probably the easiest water fall to maintain when it comes to maintenance. Algae may be maintained by adding beneficial enzymes and bacteria or algae control product every month and with an automatic type of water fill valve is properly installed, you won't ever need to water into your waterscape in order to compensate for any evaporation. You can turn off a disappearing waterscape and a blower may be used for removing leaf debris in a creek bed that is now dry every fall.

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from Lake Management Inc

Water Feature Management For Corporate Complexes & Campuses

Bodies of water on corporate campuses and workplaces often play a functional and aesthetic role that acts as a focal point that is impressive while also serving the purpose of a storm water management facility. The storm water facilities are used for containing water during rains and decreasing flooding to the property, to filter organic matter and sediment in a storm water runoff.

The facilities managers have an understanding about the impact of maintaining a balance between function and beauty, along with other factors which can have an effect on freshwater ecosystem health. Partnering with a commercial water feature management company allows for a way to use your bodies of water to their fullest potential, and to prevent things such as clogged fountains, unpleasant odors or pond scum from reflecting badly on your business.

Leave It To The Commercial Aquatic Professionals

From algae and aquatic weed management, floating-fountain installation, mosquito control, and storm water inspections, you need a solution set to truly assist you in achieving balance along with environmentally sustainable and long-term results.

Lake Management Inc offers a Depth of Expertise to offer the right sustainable solutions that you need.

Achieving Beauty Through Science

Stand out from your competitors and impress clients, prospects and your staff with the right outdoor environment that will truly captivate the eye. Lake Management Inc team of environmental scientists, ecologists and biologists combine their skills in science to make sure the bodies of water on your campus, stays beautiful, healthy and complies with municipal, state and federal regulations.

Preventative strategies happen to be one of our specialties, from storm water-pond inspections and water-quality testing, to bathymetric studies and lake mapping that assist you to understand changes to the bodies of water, and to budget accurately for any future expenses along with creating the right timeline for the larger projects such as dredging.

We have an expert eye when it comes aesthetics. Whether the property needs a makeover, or you are interested in water features that are more memorable, we offer tools that enhance the overall beauty of the pond or lake. You can also personalize the property with floating fountains, custom architectural fountains or a unique waterfall that has been designed according to your budget and goals.

Capitalize on ecologically sustainable and balanced pond and lake management programs that reward you with reassurance. An all-inclusive and comprehensive program assists with removing the burden associated with management, leaving you with advantages of an aquatic ecosystem that is aesthetically pleasing, which will become an attractive focal-point for your campus.

Ask Yourself:

What Is Really Being Done with your Water Feature?

Lake Management Inc will show you how integrated approaches to pond and lake management will bring about an ecological balance to the aquatic resources.

What Is The Real Value in Our Water Feature Services?

We offer you with sustainable benefits and true clarity that Lake Management Inc is able to offer to all your aquatic environments.

What Is Really Going On with your Pond?

The focus on science behind all of this. This includes what goes on under the water, and how every factor of the surrounding watershed and site will have an affect on management of the pond or lake along with how our sustainable approaches work in harmony with nature to arrive at ecological balance and quality results.

What Does Your Pond Really Need?

Frequent visits that offer a proactive as well as continual lake and pond management along with restoration, making sure any issues are either resolved or prevented.

Enrich your existing ecosystem and inspire prospects, client and staff.

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from Lake Management Inc

Tips on How To De-Ice A Koi Pond

Tips For Winter Pond and Waterfall Maintenance

During the cold weather conditions, many ponds suffer a lot of chaos and damage. The cold weather conditions causes the surface to of the pond to freeze. If you don’t handle this with proper pond care and intelligence, your koi fish could potentially be at risk. Utilizing Orange County pond management services from Lake Management Inc. can help you deal with many of the challenges that might arise with maintaining, constructing, and repairing your pond.

If you aren’t sure how to handle the situation with your water feature, you can always call upon a pond maintenance expert to help you out. If your equipment ever ceases, pond appears to be leaking, or aeration shuts off – we suggest contacting a pond professional.

When it comes to cold temperatures and the surface of your pond freezes, potential lack of oxygen exchange occurs. In order for the turtles, fish, and other wildlife to survive, they tend to swim to the deepest parts of the water feature in a “hibernation” form. Typically California pond owners aren’t in need of assistance with frozen ponds – but those living in mountainous regions, and other states might expect to prepare for the colder temperatures.

Steps NOT to do when Maintaining Your Frozen Pond and Waterfal

Sadly, some might consider breaking the ice in order to “help the wildlife survive” – we do not suggest this. Breaking the ice can potentially create stress for the fish in the water which can cause the fishes to potentially die. The winter weather can be hard enough on the fish, you’ll want to avoid anything else that may cause koi fish to be harmed.

Turning off your pond equipment is also not suggested. Similar to RV’s and other water features – the cold can mean frozen pipes, and potentially broken pipes come next spring. Keeping your pond filters, pumps, UV-lights, Aerators, and Heaters running throughout the year can be a must in cold-enough climates. If you do decide to turn off your equipment, drain the plumbing, filtration, and pumps to avoid any issues. (this is assuming you do not have many fish or turtles)

Fortunately for Orange County Pond & Waterfall Owners

We typically don’t see frozen ponds or waterfalls in the Southern California area. However, living off the Ortegas, or high desert with just the right temps and pond depth can lead to a frozen pond in the CA area. If you DO experience a frozen pond – don’t panic it will most likely thaw out shortly and nothing drastic will need to be done.

If you think your fish, pond, or equipment is in jeopardy – consider calling for pond management services from a commercial and residential service company like Lake Management Inc. to help you out.

What To Do After Deicing A Pond

If you do live beyond Orange County and in colder parts of the USA you can consider getting yourself an air pump or a pond heater. With the help of an air pond or pond heater, you can be able to keep a steady stream of bubbles over the water to ensure oxygen exchange even if the surface of the pond has frozen. Worse case Visit to learn more about how pond management services can help your pond or give us a call.

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Lake Management Inc.

529 W Blueridge Ave, Orange, CA 92865

(951) 421-1493

Or Check Us Out On Social Media:

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from Lake Management Inc

Golf Course Pond And Lake Maintenance Services

Water features on a golf course can significantly increase the value-perceived for that specific property. Not only are ponds and streams a bonus for the golfers, the overall tranquility and appeared value of the property is increased. We've all seen those green-murky ponds on golf courses. We more-so feel the need to avoid that golf course entirely including the water feature in front of us while golfing. Yet if we have a clean, well-maintained pond, lake, or stream in front us – challenge accepted!

I'd even consider jumping into some of the water features on these golf courses if the day is hot enough and the golf course pond is maintained. While these water features seem easy enough to build, and maintain – it's quite the opposite. Each pond can easily exceed a $30,000 construction cost, not including a bi-weekly maintenance fee of $1,500 – $5,000 p/month.

The trade-off is simple, yet expensive and somewhat risk if you aren't working with an experienced aquatic company. Most claim to know it all, yet haven't dealt with millions of gallons of water, nor tens of thousands at times. Not all pond maintenance companies are the same. Most are established and suited to handle residential water features, yet very few are setup, experienced, and insured to be able to handle larger contracts.

Water Features are the Focal Point of Golf Courses

Professionals For Pond Clarity & Perfection

You just can’t afford to take short-term approaches to managing golf course ponds. If you want to achieve long-term sustainability, you should be invested in solutions that are sustainable. If you want to avoid a consistent cycle of aquatic weeds, recurring algae-blooms, along with other types of water quality problems. You should avoid brushing off these tasks to summer-seasonal assistance or to a team that does not have the necessary scientific know-how to deal with intricacies involved in pond management on golf courses.

From algae control, invasive-species management and water-quality testing to mosquito control and pond aeration, you require a series of solutions to achieve comprehensive management.

Science and art of quality aquatic aesthetics into your golf courses.

From superior quality along with management programs that are sustainable onto aesthetically pleasing and ecologically balanced enhancements like pond fountains, the players and members of the golf course deserve environments that are natural along with challenging the game and captivating the eye.

Beautiful Your Golf Course Water Features

It is not only about the aesthetic beauty. Regulatory compliance that is sound is another necessity for golf course pond or lake management programs that are truly sustainable. Professional pond and lake management will handle all these requirements for you. This will include water-quality monitoring and testing, aeration, aquatic weed control and prevention and nuisance algae, fisheries management, restoring water quality, nutrient management. It also includes compliance with state/municipal/ federal regulations along with regular pond inspections along with bathymetric studies that assist you in allocating and budgeting funds for future expenses that could be potentially costly, such as dredging and structural repairs.

Lake Management Inc specialists combine their specialties in science along with a passion and dedication to nature and the beauty of natural resources.

Capitalize on a pond and commercial lake management program that is steadfast that will care for your golf courses with a series of management solutions that are comprehensive.

What Is Really Being Done During our Visits?

The integrated approach that Lake Management Inc uses brings about an ecological balance to the ponds on your courses.

What Is The True Value of our Water Feature Services?

We offer you with sustainable advantages and clarity that Lake Management Inc can provide your golf course with.

What Really Goes On During our Pond Services?

A focus about the science behind all of this, what actually goes on under the surface, which includes how every aspect of the course along with surrounding watersheds affect management of the ponds or lakes on the golf course.

What Kind of Pond Services You Really Need?

Routine site inspections that achieves a proactive and continual lake and pond management approach, which ensures any issues can either be resolved or prevented before they get a chance to become significant.

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from Lake Management Inc

Water Feature Management Services For Orange County Apartment Communities

Every apartment manager knows the feeling of having far too much to tackle, not enough time to do it in and feeling somewhat less-than-appreciated once everything is completed. You juggle more than most people, but your accomplishments are barely noticed, let alone valued. You deserve a change. You have earned some plaudits. Knowing an experienced commercial pond maintenance company can go a long way toward taking some items off your plate, easing your stress, and will help beautify the complex in a measurable way your tenants will notice.

You might attempt to do everything on your own, but seasoned property management personnel and maintenance professionals often realize that this may not be the wisest option. In order to truly achieve sustainability in your home owners community's aquatic environment, the expert assistance of residential Lake Management can make all the difference.

Lakes and ponds in apartment and HOA communities demand a group of committed, knowledgeable aquatic professionals. Doing everything from testing the quality of the water, managing invasive species, inspecting storm-water, aeration, algae control and remediation and handling mosquitoes, it is best to enlist the aid of those who can handle all of these things and ensure stability and sustainability now and into the future.

The good news is that Lake Management, Inc. possesses the experience and know-how to offer an entire range of solutions.

Scientific Approaches To Managing Aquatic Environments

The tenants in your complex really do deserve and expect a water attraction that is in perfect ecological balance and provides unsurpassed visual appeal.

Community fountains, lakes and ponds are undoubtedly lovely to look at, but as always there is much more to the story than what appears. It is necessary for there to be an underlying commitment to proper scientific maintenance, regulatory understanding and overall care. Having professional management service to do this work in your pond or lake is a tremendous way to achieve efficiency as well as effectiveness. You will be able to rest assured that stormwater considerations are always addressed, your complex is in full compliance with state and local rules, and that you never encounter any major difficulties with your water features.

LMI employs an impressive group of ecologists, biologists, aquatic resource experts and others who combine their talents to keep your apartment community's lakes and ponds environmentally and aesthetically sound for years to come.

Not only will you bask in the stunning natural beauty of a water feature cared for by our experts, you will be free to tackle other issues of concern at your complex. The time savings will allow you the flexibility you have been seeking.

Some important questions to ask when considering a pond and lake management service include:

What is being brought to the table?

The team from Lake Management, Inc. will describe in detail their approach to handling your community's water features and how they will be improved.

Where does the value lie?

Sustainability, water clarity and the creating of a relaxing oasis for residents are all priceless contributions to your complex.

What lies beneath?

A management team needs to concentrate on the science underneath the water and how to manage aquatic changes in an effective, safe way.

How much attention do we need?

Routine on-site visits will help maintain the community's lake or pond so that not only is it an appealing attraction at the present moment, it will continue to be so well into the future.

Align your apartment community with the best in aquatic ecosystem management and enhancement services today.

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from Lake Management Inc

Monthly And Yearly Lake Management Service Plans

Ensuring our clients water features are functioning at peak performance requires practical solutions in order to maintain proper water quality and overall appearance. Lake Management reviews each water feature custom to the property its located on and how it was constructed. Water features can impact any property positively and/or negatively if not managed correctly. Water features help increase beauty and value to some properties while aiding in noise reduction near high-traffic parts of areas. To help our clients avoid any problems associated with the maintenance of an appealing, healthy, natural and balanced ecosystem, we provide the most technologically advanced pond and lake management services and products throughout California. We also restore ponds and lakes to their best condition, in addition to reinstating their ecological balance, in situations where the damage is already done.

Lake owners, HOA's, Apartment complexes and more can benefit from weekly, monthly, quarterly, and sometimes annual aquatic service plans to enhance the local aquatic environment, and community beauty as a whole.

In today’s modern home owner communities, lakes and ponds are often considered to be the centerpieces of the neighborhood. There is a huge demand for homes with lake views, and they often sell for top price when associated with water-front locations.

Southern California Lake & Pond Management

Lake Management Strategies

Aquatic maintenance plans for your fountain and/or aerator should also be included in the best pond and lake management package. The lake is able to “breathe” with proper aeration.

Management plans for lakes and ponds covering an extended period of time involve a variety of aspects. To maintain the best level of water quality and beauty, biological augmentation, submerged aeration and water dyes are necessary.

In some situations, mosquito control is also necessary. To improve the appeal of your lake environment, mosquito control, aeration and the addition of minnows is also important.

In addition to restoring your pond or lake’s water quality, our seasoned group of fisheries biologists also stock fish and create a predator to prey balance.

When it comes to handling your fisheries, lakes and pond management requirements, we have the necessary technology and equipment.

The ecological balance and aesthetic appeal of your pond or lake is heavily impacted by the growth of unwanted vegetation and algae. The quality and health of any aquatic ecosystem relies on lake weed and algae control.

Highly advanced operations and products are required for proper Lake Management. We only offer top quality eco-friendly aquatic vegetation and algae management services to our clients. To prevent the destruction of the balance in your lake, pond, aquatic eco system or wetland, we use our algae and lake-weed treatment solutions to remove poisonous unfamiliar weeds and algae.

Depending on the species in question, invasive aquatic weeds and algae are not only an eyesore but can also be dangerous to human beings and aquatic life. In addition to hiding the lake’s true beauty, they may be detrimental to aquatic systems and can lead to various problems with regard to water quality. To achieve the targeted goals, it’s important to identify the specific aquatic weeds and algae present in your lake or pond.

Lasting results can be achieved by picking the right product, using it at the appropriate amounts during the right point in time. To decrease/eliminate the likelihood of your aquatic environment looking like the “before” images below, it’s important to have an yearly management plan in place. You can enjoy, as demonstrated by the “after” images below, great results throughout the year, as the seasons change.

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from Lake Management Inc

Considerations For Feeding & Maintaining Your Koi Pond

Koi Pond Tips From Lake Management Inc. – Fish Feeding & Maintaining Your Pond Year Round

Just like human beings your koi fish need to be fed regularly with the right diet in order to grow healthy and keep a sustainable ecosystem in your pond. Koi should be fed 1-3x per week and with high quality food in order to stay healthy, vibrant, and happy – while not causing your filtration and pumps to work overtime. Many of our customers feed their fish daily and this causes excess waste buildup throughout the water feature – we encourage only a few times per week, if that.

Own a commercial or residential pond? Our pond maintenance plans are based on your water feature and perfect for any size pond, stream, or lake – Request a quote from a company with over 40 years. Lake Management Inc. is OC’s most professional aquatic service – if you need a quote, or advice with managing your pond. Lake Management started as an Orange County pond maintenance company and has since taken on Riverside, and parts of Los Angeles due to an increase in demand.

Some super-cool foods for fish (some sort of crowd / kid pleasers that won’t result in large amounts of waste) are using fruits like grapefruit, oranges, and similar. Some of our clients have strings with clamps on the end and attach the fruit slices accordingly – the fish will then come to the edge of the water to feed. Kids always love this.

Maintaining Your Koi Pond Throughout the Year

Koi can eat omnivorous foods such as a buffet of algae, bugs, plant matter, animal matter, and many others. The key here is to avoid feeding your koi with excess food and low-cost foods. Typically these fish eat less throughout the colder months which will help your water feature need less service as well.

Feeding Koi Seasonally

The type of season plays a big role in feeding your koi. The feeding should be typically regulated by the season you are in. For example, the winter period is a time of hibernation for koi. You’ll want to winterize your pond for your koi, in addition to changing their feeding. During the warmer months your fish, turtles, and other wildlife will be more active. We suggest feeding your fish only what they eat within 3-5 seconds, any excess is too much and should be avoided in the future to avoid costly filtration cleanings, and maintenance.

Proper Pond Temperature

Koi fish can survive in some of the coldest temperaments around. Thankfully we are located in California and most ponds we maintain do not need a special heater or some sort of winterization. Although living in a warmer climate means more algae-blooms, and overall pond cleanings – so prepare for that by not overfeeding your fish.

Maintaining Proper Oxygen Levels In Your Orange County Koi Pond

Oxygen can help fish digest food easier and also serves as a good “back-up” if your filtration were to ever cease while away. While not 100% safe (power-failures cause oxygen pumps to fail) at least having an 02 setup in your pond, will help keep the fish more-lively, and safer during pump and filtration issues if they present. We see many properties with too-many fish, and once those pumps turn off – the fish can start to stress resulting in a catastrophic fish-death episode.

Koi Fish Size vs Food Supply

Another factor you have to consider is the size of the koi fish when feeding them. Smaller koi sized fish should be given smaller amount of fish for consumption and larger koi fish should be given more food. You can break the food into various pieces so that it can be easily absorbable for them. Visit for more on pond management services for your koi fish pond.




Lake Management Inc.

529 W Blueridge Ave, Orange, CA 92865

(714) 312-1260


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from Lake Management Inc

HOA Community Pond Management Services

Lake and Pond Maintenance

Formulating comprehensive strategies for lake and pond maintenance is of upmost importance for those with water quality issues. Looking for companies that offer up to date technology and advanced pond management services can help mitigate water problems as well as incorporating some do-it-yourself ideas.

Below are some tips on how to find a good solution for pond and lake maintenance.

Large Pond Maintenance

For any commercial pond maintenance services, it is important to keep the pond as clean and beautiful for the surrounding community as possible. A good service should include a maintenance program for the aerator or fountain, if applicable. Proper aeration is important because it allows the pond to breathe in order to maintain any aquatic life.

It is also good for any long term management to incorporate biological augmentation, pond dyes, and submerged aeration. These will all help to keep the water quality beautiful and clear in any large pond maintenance plan.

Mosquito control is also something to be aware of when maintaining a large pond. Sometimes adding minnows can help with this as well as adding mosquito control products.

Some services also offer fishery biologists. These experts help to restore water quality and can stock fish effectively to help control the prey to predator ratio.

Small Lake Maintenance

Keeping the temperature of the water down in a small lake is important to the overall maintenance of the lake to prevent out of control algae and bacteria development. In order to achieve this it is a good idea to have trees surrounding the water in order to shade it. This is beneficial to animal and plant life in the lake and will also inhibit the growth of algae.

There are other important items that should be included in planting along lakes shores, such as rushes and reeds. These items provide refuge for species, treat areas of poor water quality and sewage, and also create a habitat for birds, protect the bank from erosion, and filters run off and soil from fields.

Oxygenating the water is one of the most important things to keeping a small lake healthy. This allows for the breakdown of decaying fish waste and vegetation, as well as the survival of amphibians, fish, and plant life. If a lake lacks oxygen the water will become stagnant and smell, and a thick layer of algae will form which will further inhibit oxygen from reaching the water. Aerators and waterfalls help to bring oxygen to the water and bring a balance for plant and animal life in the lake.

It is also important to control weeds around a small lake, as they can become extremely invasive. Thin the weeds by using a long-handled scythe. Where the water is deeper it is important to contract with a specialist to take care of weed control.

More Information

For more information on the proper care and maintenance of lakes and ponds, visit Lake Management Inc. We can discuss any questions that may arise about commercial lake and pond maintenance service. Call today for a quote for your pond or lake.

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from Lake Management Inc

Commercial & Residential Pond Resealing


August, 2017


Let’s face it, losing water in your water feature is not the most ideal scenario. If your water feature empties out, your pump could seize up, or worse your fish and wildlife could suffer from lack of water.

Checking Your Pond for Leaks

Suspect your losing water? How much if so? How much is too much? These are questions we often receive from our clients, especially during the warmer months. Although more often than not, it’s due to evaporation. Sometimes there truly is a leak though, and when there is – it pays to know your water feature and how to go about handling an event such as a leak. Is your water feature commercial or residential? This is also an important question as both present different risks and costs to repair. Also, how old is your pond? Is the rubber liner exposed to the sun or covered by cement? Liners older than 10 years old are often not patch-able due to the lack of bonding between a patch and the aged liner.

Fill with Water, and Mark the Water Level

Make sure to add dechlore if you are adding water to a koi pond or aquarium with fish or wildlife. Tap-water is deadly when not treated accordingly. We’ve had people lose fish due to not treating the water when storing them during pond construction. The same applies to adding water to check levels. When you have filled your water feature to a level you can remember, turn the water off and also turn the pumps off for 24 hours. (Buy an aerator if you have large amounts of fish) this will tell you if the basin is losing water, or if the equipment or waterfall is the culprit. After 24 hours has passed, check the water level, if it is where you left it (within 1/4 inch even) then you know the water loss is occurring in the waterfall or equipment area. If you lost 1/4″+ of water, you might have a leak in the main basin, if so – call a professional company to store your koi fish and evaluate the leak, we recommend letting the pond drop down as far as it’ll go if it’s in the main basin as this will tell you where the leak is.

“Rubber liners over 10 must be replaced, patches won’t bond correctly with an old brittle liner”

Determining The Leak in a Waterfall or Plumbing

We’re assuming you did the initial draw-down test. Refilling your pond and turning the equipment off for 24 hours, and you didn’t lose water correct? If so, you then test any waterfalls/ areas the water is returning from. Believe it or not, we often see waterfalls as the primary culprit to leaks, secondary to old liners exposed to the sun. The method of testing a waterfall for a leak is quite simple, all it requires is a 2-3″ PVC pipe (flexible or not, your call) and a fitting that’ll screw into your filter box up-flow filter. If you remove the filtration media and stuck your hand down into the filter box, you can feel a hole with threads, you need to screw a 2-3″ PVC pipe (usually 2″) to this to bypass the waterfall. (Not up for it? Call a professional water feature service company near you!) and run this for 24 hours (with a full-pond you can remember) If you don’t lose water, you’ll know the waterfall is the culprit and you can start your rebuild there.

aquatic plant maintenance services

pond filtration repair services

aquatic plant maintenance services

pond filtration repair services

Established 1976

Testing Pond Equipment for Leaks

Testing your pond equipment is a little more difficult than testing your basin and water fall for leaks. We suggest testing the first two for leaks, if you are sure its the equipment – call a company to help you fix it vs do it yourself. The way we test our plumbing is typically “pressure testing” with a pressure valve and compressed air, the pressure will test us if the filtration is losing air somewhere or is tight enough to handle the pressure exerted during operation.

Cement vs Rubber Ponds

We hear it all the time “my rubber pond is leaking” and unfortunately, most of these rubber liners are older than 10 years, costing the client a partial rebuild which can run upwards of $4,000-$10,000 depending on the size of the pond. Yes cement is more expensive, but it protects the rubber liner underneath for much longer than that of an exposed liner. We guesstimate (based on our experience) a rubber liner will get an average of 10+/- years, depending on the vegetation near by, sun exposure, and how often people are walking in the pond. A cement pond will usually get an average of 20+/- years, and won’t be as succeptable to issues from vegetation, walking around in, or sun exposure, plus cement ponds are easier to reseal (as seen in the video above) cement ponds are resealed vs replaced entirely like rubber lined ponds.

We suggest to take into consideration the time you would like to own a pond before you build it, i.e. 10 years – expect to tear it out or replace, or life – expect to have a pond for life, similar to that of a pool or spa.

Need to Speak to Someone About Your Water Feature?

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Type of Water Feature

City of Water Feature

Is this an Emergency?


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